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Environment Specifics
- While its true that Bettas can live in a small and unheated bowl, they will live longer and thrive in larger surroundings. Like other tropical fish, Bettas will thrive best in heated tanks, with live plants and plenty of room to swim. At least 5 US Gallons (18.9L) is preferred. They are tropical fish and will therefore prefer to live in the higher temperature range of around 72-82°F (22.2-27.8°C) .
- The males do not do well in strong currents, especially the long-finned varieties as they are not strong swimmers. For this reason, and because the frequent water changes necessary without a filter are too stressful for them, a small filter is recommended.
- Bettas are labyrinth breathers and therefore must have access to the surface at all times.
- Some Bettas will jump. Some jumpers won't stop even if you put a cover over their tank. There needs to be a minimal amount of air space (1/2") between the water and tank hood to prevent injury.
- For centuries far East Betta breeders have kept this fish with Indian Almond Leaves (Terminalia catappa), the tannins released by this leaf acts like bogwood, and give the fish essential chemicals, promotes beneficial fungi and bacteria. etc.. These leaves are on sale on eBay and good Betta dealers.
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