Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Breeding Process

the wrap
the wrap

So the nest has been built, the male is showing off, the female is showing vertical bars and is full of eggs, it's time to let them in together! When they first realise they can get to each other there will be a whole lot of confusion, chasing and nipping. This is where the bushy plant is handy for her to hide in. It will take several hours, to several days, for them to really realise what they're meant to be doing. If it looks like the female (or indeed the male) is getting too beat up, separate them. It can be almost instant, to 24-48 hours before they truly do the deed.

When they do manage to work it out they will both hang under the bubble nest, the female will hang with her head down in a submissive posture. The male will begin to wrap his body around hers, physically squeezing out the eggs from the female and fertilising them.

The eggs will begin to fall to the bottom of the tank, which is why a substrate is advised against as they will get lost. The breeding will pause frequently, both fish seeming paralysed for a few seconds, and then the male, occasionally the female, will begin to dash around frantically collecting the eggs and spitting them into the bubble nest. They will wrap several times more, when you are sure the female is empty of eggs, she can be removed to her tank to begin the process of recovery. Do not leave her in the tank, once she's finished she will swim away and try and hide, during this time the male will now see her as a threat and she could be injured, or even killed.

The male will stay with the nest until the fry are free-swimming. He will tend to the nest and not feed, mouthing the eggs, blowing bubbles, he may even entirely move the nest and eggs. He will spend most of his time underneath the nest watching the eggs, catching any that fall, he will often eat any infertile eggs. Some first-time dads may eat eggs or fry, if this is seen to be happening, it's best to move him out of the tank.

The fry should hatch in about 48 hours. They will wiggle about, you will see little tails hanging from the nest, and then they will start to fall. The devoted dad will dash about and catch these and put them back in the nest. The dad will spend most of his time for the next day or so catching these fry and putting them back in the nest. In a day or so the fry will develop their strength and be able to stay in the nest themselves and develop a horizontal swimming position. Once they are able to swim, the dad can be removed to recooperate.

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